Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pregnancy Knee Swelling


Nothing better than the paraphrase Lyrics of Captain TESE to summarize the current state of PD Montevarchi and beyond. The great fetish of the primaries are mixed and made to disappear depending on the needs and, above all, convenience. As noted by Corrado Guzzanti "the PD was the first Italian to make the party primaries and the only one in the world to lose." And 'here lies the problem: they do or not do, because you do not, we can choose, if some people do not disturb the handlers, or else you look for the "foreign pope." To read the news of national and local newspapers, home of choice to communicate externally, on the subject you risk a headache. Read on to declare that "The Country "Secretary Bencini, one gets the impression that now the PD of Montevarchi" if the does and he sings. " Nothing beats the best of the comic reality show now at the edge of farce.
over a year we try to share with the PD ideas and proposals to improve the management of the municipal administration. Not too many thoughts on the latest developments and management of investee companies to obtain silence or excommunication. Record, provided by the newspapers that reported the resignation of the president, the objections advanced on Pluriservizi spa were not far-fetched. The rest was enough to ask why the City of St. John chose to distance themselves from society. We are not geniuses, but we do not keep our heads in the sand. BENCINI does not speak of this, he likes the litany repeated. Face, the PD of Montevarchi, what suits them best and the theater who are passionate about. Maybe the Secretary BENCINI communicate their thoughts and leave others the freedom to do the same. One recommendation: every now and take care of the city, its problems and choices to be made to improve the lives of individuals and families. He 's young but should know that politics and political parties are for.

Note Section of the Board following the declaration of the Secretary of the PD Montevarchi Alessandro Bencini

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sore Throat Mucus Has Blood In It?


           Ilmomento public finance anything but a brilliant minortrasferimento of economic resources to local authorities by the State Eregion one hand and economic and social situation of the general nostropaese the other requires a rigorous approach to government actions localee parameters of the municipal budget to avoid jeopardizing the diservizi disbursements. We believe it is necessary to focus the debate politicoil theme of the approach to drafting the 2011 budget. A budget that is learned according aQuantive economic analysis very difficult to define for Striptease transfers and revenue losses resulting from the effect of crisi.Occorrerà minimize many of the expenditures in order to ensure the very serviziritenuti to review priorities of many projects. Riteniamoche the investee companies and their financial results must enter into the calculation of the municipal budget. In meritoalla of strategic equity investments in the debate for each party ritieneche a thorough audit should be conducted to assess irisultati management and prospects in order to do so piùefficace the action of the City's direction and control. We chedelle nine subsidiaries in various capacities, the City of Montevarchisiano, at this moment, to be declared non-strategic or otherwise objectionable FIDIToscana, AREZZO HOUSE, CSA Services, CSA systems, reclamation services, AFM Spa

Perquanto CONSIAG Spa we respect, both for the number of shares owned (0, 76%) than for fusionecon processes of other companies that can not be held strategic and put on the market to free up resources metterea available to the investment program of the City. Finally, as we believe that riguardaValdarno Development and Pluriservizi moltaattenzione must be assessed in order to define a new mission and a different Governance at last not to be found in a new slaughterhouse.
In particular, we believe that over the next 60/90 days suValdarno Developing a plan is formulated strategicodi relaunch and use of the company. In our opinion, this company dovrebbeessere entirely public (Comunidel Valdarno Florence and the more the two provinces) and recovered allapropria original vocation as a support to the economy and businesses delterritorio programs and counseling for research funding egaranzie credit. VALDARNO SVILUPPOpotrebbe handle local marketing and establishment of new businesses, training and innovation.

Finally, we believe that the City must also against its subsidiary companies comePubbliacqua exert a more effective verification to protect deicittadini and operators in the city. The events of recent days, legateall'aumento of security deposits, show a lack of transparency and lack-controlling part of the guarantee is that by entilocali. The citizens can not remain without consumer protections.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lohri Invitation Cardsmatter Of Baby


The news of the auction for the judicial multiplex Montevarchi concern to us.
The city has invested heavily in this area in past years and also the new planning rules, recently laid off, was interested in how to improve the use of multiplex service which is essential for the quality of life of a city.
Undoubtedly, this news has shocked not only because Montevarchi risks returning to become a city without a cinema but the whole Arno Valley would be affected by the lack of a cultural center and groups of young people as important as the one located in the north of our city.
And then there is still more concerned about the implications of urban planning, this situation could generate. In particular, the questions that we are: who will buy that land and that property at auction? To get us what?
E 'undoubted fact that the reference area is dotted with shopping malls, undoubtedly an area of \u200b\u200bthat type in that position, they might gorge Affairs strongly opposed to the original purposes.
a question for this presentation at the next City Council that the council is fully aware of what is happening and we can ensure, within the limits of the law of the market and, above all, of their duties and powers, the fact that he wanted to give the city a service Montevarchi film quality does not translate into a mere speculation.

Councillor Paul Ricci Municipal PSI

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Is The Differnet In Prado Vx And Txl

JOINT PRESS PSI-FdS Following a meeting on October 25, 2010

Society of Health, Union of Municipalities and associated services, trim the bureaucracy and transfer of the Library, guidelines and priorities for preparing the 2011 budget were the main topics of the meeting held Monday, October 25, 2010 between the Italian Socialist Party of the Left and the Federation of Montevarchi. These coordinators citizens, city councilors, Faust attempts, Provincial Secretary PRC.
City, between the two political forces, the view on the need for a majority share of palace doors on the choices made in the coming months. Faced with a difficult situation in general and the cuts to transfers decreed by the Finance Act, PSI and FDS believe that should be examined for the maximum efficiency of public agencies, non-essential expenditure restraint, the recovery of resources to support and enhance the services and support to individuals and families.
PSI and FDS Lastly, an appeal to the Democratic Party so calmly and constructively address the rightful job of deepening the topics of discussion, looking for that share that too often in the past was not considered necessary.

Federation of the Left-Socialist Party of Italian-Montevarchi

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thrush And Probiotics


We read with astonishment and bitterness of the Democratic Party, signed the note A. Bencini PL and Fabiano and we run the obligation to respond.
We reiterate that in the first place around our press release in response to uncommon on 9 October has led to a misunderstanding that we have readily clarified in a letter to Mayor Valentini branched to the press. We do not intend on this, add more if you do not advise Bencini Fabiani and review lessons in reading comprehension.
We note that the PD is not considered definitive to confirm the choice, turning into permanent contracts, the current number of directors. It is the first time that the Pd comment on and we do believe that to meet the assumption that the next administration will have freedom of choice, you will not progress any further administrative action. Reject it hints around this theme. We wonder, for example, as discussed Bencini and Fabiano reference right on the view that the absence of any comparison has expressed our disappointment. Expressed in time and in every home, verbally and in writing as easily demonstrable. As for all'illazione that our position is hidden behind some assumptions subdivisions, we find it offensive, groundless and free. Used for purposes clearly derogatory. If we want a public debate on housing estates, we are available immediately .
not worry the Democratic Party! The Our intention is to think about what is best for the administration and the city and applies to both Montevarchi as with other levels of government. And, by failing to respond to summons people and events that resemble both on a personal fatwas and show the style of the writers, we want to reassure the Democratic Party that no two socialist parties in Montevarchi. We know it is a social game
distinguish between good socialists and bad socialists. Of course, the good ones always say yes to the Democratic Party. A Montevarchi there is only one party that has long sought to share ideas and solutions with the coalition. Who proposed ideas and has been systematically ignored, which continued and continues to work to improve the second conviction, the policies of city government.
Our political horizon has been and will continue to consist of a transparent policy of all equal in front of the administration, the best services for citizens, to decide to give Montevarchi wealth, employment, welfare and safety. On this we will face in the first place with the city.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Does A Pinguecula Ever Go Away?


letter sent to the mayor by all the leaders of the Socialist Party of Montevarchi (including Councillors and Municipal Councillor) in order to shed light on our press and mix to a possible further controversy in the bud.

Dear Mayor
read your October 16, the current difficulties have not to say that we never thought of or wanted to say that you'll be considered an affiliate and we apologize for this misunderstanding.
no coincidence that this injury does not appear in any part of our statement in response to InComune of 9 last year. The interpretation given by you of the relationship between the term pizzino and your person is entirely subjective and do not belong to us. Actually, it seems a little 'forced. If someone were to misunderstand the very first obtain deny excuse.
mean, however, and if you read carefully you will seem manifest a tendency allusion, an encrypted message that bring up the past to de-legitimize beliefs now well in the text of InComune. It was not the first time this happens we wanted to express our disappointment. We have explained well when we write we do not want to use this style. We believe that this is not the best way to argue his case, especially when you consider that these reasons are those which could lead to better choices for the city. Moreover, in journalistic language is well established use of the term pizzino with this meaning. One need only recall the headlines and the news services when, during a TV broadcast of "La7" (November 2009), Senator PD Latorre pass a quick note to Hon. Bocchino, then PDL, to suggest topics for discussion with the Hon. Massimo Donadi IDV.
agree with you that can occur in political discourse, even among coalition partners, a conflict between different ideas, all legitimate. This legitimacy, however, can not be established only in the abstract and must be respected by each of the actors in the field. And this, in recent times, there seems to be always the case.
Convinced he had clarified the terms of debate,
We send you warm greetings.

Friday, October 15, 2010

In Flames Gitarrensound

With regard to statements by the Mayor concerning the issue of managers, published on the website of the Municipality

For some time, the press office of the City more reported that the real draw of pizzini . Pizzini showing discomfort and irritation of the Mayor to anyone to criticize the administration or only obvious points of view. Evidently, the Party of Love has been emulated at Palazzo Varchi. The last of
pizzini out to us directly on the question of the management. We do not want to adopt the same style while having plenty of material to bring up the past and many administrative decisions that still weigh like a burden on the city and the Arno Valley.
instead declare our opposition to the resolution amending the employment of Some senior figures in the belief that it would be appropriate to carry out an overall reorganization of the bureaucratic apparatus in the light of the ongoing debate on the Union of Municipalities, allocating any savings made for other purposes since the incentives for employees. Shared by the opposition party and the Group Board and has found natural expression in the negative vote in the sitting of the municipal council.
confirm that the choice seems in contrast with what happens in other government-led center-left, above the region where the President Rossi has set its own shares on the containment of expenditure of figures and executive counseling. It is not, However, the Region of Tuscany were to be counted among those considered even before the non-virtuous actions of Rossi, who perhaps read the future with some concern.
finally declare our opposition to the method of work adopted by the Mayor denoting annoyance to the practice of consultation and sharing of decisions with the forces of the majority council. Majority that, at this point and in view of new administrative steps, should take note of their marginalization.
We have already addressed the Democratic Party and the Federation of the Left's request to speak clearly on this and other issues on the table. For now, record, particularly the Democratic Party, a deafening silence that is hard to understand except in the sense of a lack of words to say. In itself it is not reassuring to anyone, especially for the city.

Fabio Camiciottoli
Coordinator PSI Montevarchi

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Catch Phrase For Party Invitationn

A ABOUT THE RATIONALIZATION OF MACHINE bureaucratic administration THE TOWN (See Del.Giunta 199, 23/9/10)

When Government, Regione Toscana , Province of Arezzo Valdarno and municipalities seeking to contain costs by reducing the number of public managers, the Mayor and the Board - voted against the Socialists - voted to confirm the forecast of six ... rigenti processed 4 by forward contract Contract time perpetuity. A unique choice, taken out of any idea of \u200b\u200borganization and reorganization of the municipal bureaucracy for decades and that will impinge on the speaker of the municipality. A choice that cuts the ability to use any savings (every manager costs tens of thousands of euro) reward for the work of employees or the resources to increase services to citizens or to generate investment for the city. For the most was a choice made without any debate in the council majority and politics, however, fairly regular thing in Montevarchi. We have expressed and we confirm our opposition but we'll be curious to know the opinion of the Federation of the Left and the Democratic Party. The same party that Region, Province and the surrounding towns has made the opposite choice. In truth we would like to know the opinion of the PD on other facts from assumptions that circulate on the combination of services and for which several areas of activity of the municipality will be coordinated by others. Areas where the leadership is confirmed. Or you have to think that these things are better discussed in the secret rooms?

Fabio Camiciottoli
Coordinator PSI Montevarchi

Silvano Fei
Parent Council Chamber Socialist Group

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Problems Avital Remote Engine Start

MEETING OPEN TO THE PARTY members and supporters, ELECTED TO THE LIST "democratic and social"

next Friday (October 8) at the premises of the Association of Vestri Montevarchi (Viale Diaz 88) at 21.15 Montevarchi members of PSI, the candidates on the list for Democrats and Socialists Montevarchi, supporters and voters are invited to the assembly of the national party.
The agenda for the analysis of the situation and local political and administrative determinations to be taken in the renewal of the government and citizens of the City Council, scheduled for spring 2011.
Given the importance of the topics considered, please intervene.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pokemon Walkthrough Shiny Gold


question for written answer of the Socialist councilor Paul Ricci at its meeting on August 27, 2010 on the landfill Podere Rota
the undersigned adviser City questions the Mayor and Alderman jurisdiction on the following subjects:
in recent months there has been growing controversy regarding the discharge of Newfoundland and the consequences of the rejection process especially in terms of odors ed'inquinamento aquifers in the area.
In particular we are concerned about the health of citizens and the dire consequences that these operational failures that generate these problems can have on people's health.
But more than that we are concerned with the operation of the landfill waste and the implementation of the plan as a whole. There are special situations and it is good to know that this city council.
In particular, it is necessary to know the priorities and highlights of the plan area, its characteristics in terms of service and cost.
is asked to determine in detail the results of the analysis that ARPAT did (or doing) on \u200b\u200bthe landfill of Newfoundland.
is asked to know what are the prospects for development of the landfill and what precautions and investment management company intends to do to avoid inconvenience and danger to public health and make the system meets the needs of citizens.
is asked to know if this is true that the town clerk of the municipality of Newfoundland B.ni and the Municipality of San Giovanni Valdarno, dr. Marcello Ralli, which is the official deputy to take care of the fairness and legitimacy of local acts, including, therefore, those relating to authorizations for the operation of the landfill the district, is also a member of the Board of Directors of the ATO waste so revealing if not certainly a formal incompatibility 'inappropriate and if it receives a fee and how much is this fee as a member of the Board of the ATO.
also requests information on the timing of activation of the incinerator in Arezzo as it is believed that any expansion of the landfill B.ni Newfoundland, once solved the environmental problems can not be granted without a joint zonal policy on waste that can not be separated from the operation of new incineration of San Zeno, of course with all the necessary investment to protect the public health of citizens.

Thetrainingofo Steram


in the municipal council of 27 August 2010 Councillor Paul Rich of the Socialist Group has submitted to the Deputy Mayor John Rossi a question for written answer on the status of outstanding payments of the canteen service
the undersigned City Council Italian Socialist Party with this question the Councillor responsible on the following subjects:
E 'overt that the cafeteria has a substantial deficit due to missed payments users.
Among the many people who are not objectively able to pay there are many who take advantage of the situation and do not pay in the hope (sometimes certainty) to get away. Since
also note that the service contract currently in force is the possibility to organize the payment of meal through the system of "prepaid"
stated that it is necessary to pursue tax evaders out of a sense of justice and equal treatment in against those who, by contrast, pays regularly
To know how much is the outstanding service canteens for the years 2009 and 2010
addition, what are the measures that the Administration has taken or intends to take to recover the debt due.
Finally, if the administration intends to activate the pre-paid service as required by the service contract and the pace at which

Monday, August 23, 2010

Polaroid Ee66 How Can I Use

Light in a month how to have a flat stomach in three easy steps

In many cases, those who want to lose weight trying to prove a Zone diet. Since these do not exist, today we show you how to slim down the belly in three easy steps. Actually, there are four small strategies, but we had already published a year dedicated to losing weight abdomen. If you've read earlier, continue with the article, otherwise take a look at our guide and go back and read the three strategies to achieve a flat stomach!

1) To lose the fat on the abdomen, the most important thing is lower percentage of body fat mass . A body with 15% (normal weight) of fat your abs will never show. To understand how much fat you have, you should try to make a test with the Skinfold Calipers some dietitian or personal trainer. This test costs an average of 30 € but you can show reliable data on body fat.

2) Minimize carbohydrates - To see a flat stomach, the ideal would be to reduce carbohydrates consumed during the day. Among the carbohydrates we have bread, pasta, rice and other foods that provide the energy needed to train and play sports of any kind.

3) Doing abdominal exercises - The latest strategy involves training yourself for the flat stomach abs (both oblique frontal) at least 3-4 times a week. We prefer the exercises are characterized by long series, so it's best to do 100 repetitions of what to do 25 crunches. All clear?

The three changes above will help you improve your general physical, then they will act even in areas that accumulate more fat. The difficulty however is to maintain the weight lost with these strategies, since most fats and carbohydrates are often in the belly. Always try to follow a healthy diet, a workout designed for you and a great lifestyle. Say goodbye to smoking, alcohol and all the bad habits so common in our country.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Whats The Difference Between L Glutathione

List of false legends about foods that are slimming and losing weight lose weight using the

Losing weight is one of the most 'difficult to do. It is not easy and that is why we use or care and that most diets' are often ineffective, because even improvised, and not suited for our body. Today we want to make a list of false legends about foods that make you lose weight and lose weight, to debunk the myths about the foods that are light or fat.

-to lose weight you must follow the diet to the letter and never overdriven. Provided
not become a constant habit, give yourself a transgression to the diet every now and does it well. Improves mood and makes the diet does not become repetitive and boring. Maybe the next day try to be more 'careful than usual

-grapefruit lose weight
It' s true that the grapefruit has only 25 calories per pound, but there are foods that have the ability to "make lose weight "melting fat. Definitely replace a snack with chocolate and grapefruit helps, but miracles are quite different.

-pineapple juice lose weight and lose weight
same is done with the above pompelmo.L 'pineapple while containing bromelain, a substance that aids digestion, has in reality no virtue' weight loss.

-eating only fruits and vegetables make us thin and lean
must now say that our physical needs of variety of all foods. Added to this is that the fibers of the vegetables, hardly comparable, and fructose (fruit sugar) have a tendency to cause bloating. In some cases you may actually the opposite effect.

the-whole-grain products are less calorie other
The calories in a pound of whole wheat bread are the same as a pound of bread flour type "00", but the diets are recommended whole foods because it is rich in fiber, aid digestion and provide a greater sense of satiety

-ice cream is a great snack and meal replaces
The level of calories contained in the ice cream is not very high, Unlike its satiating power which is very low, so it is best to eat a fruit snack especially if you are careful to line.

-fizzy drinks make you fat.
This is partly false, partly true, in that the bubbles are not to gain weight, but the sugar in soft drinks.

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method of VIP

during the summer for all women, but especially for the VIP hour begins to lose weight. It 's the season when we rake and fat that have accumulated during the winter is evident. But there is only fat but also to fight cellulite and stretch marks. Via then remedies such as mud baths, massages, dressings, treatments with radio frequency as the cavitation appearance etc etc.. VIP or VIP all spend a fortune to remedy the imperfections.

methods to lose weight in each case are many: a healthy diet, regular physical activity, diet, beauty treatments. But the secret is to adopt a program that will include everyone.
Have you ever wondered how the women in the world of entertainment, VIPs, to return more 'in the form of the first after a pregnancy? We do follow a fitness trainer and nutritional consultant.
The program designed by David Kirsch, for example, the guru of Liv Tyler, Anne Hathaway, Linda Evangelista and Naomi Campbell provides every day to eat five small meals at intervals of two or three hours from each 'other. Nothing carbohydrates, cheese, sugar, alcohol and fats (both animal and vegetable). You are highly recommended and can eat nuts and olive oil.

the method of VIPs:
Training is broken up into small sessions of up to 30 minutes to do four times a week, recommended heating boxing. Little faith in anti-cellulite and slimming treatments, while those that are considered useful smooth and detoxify the skin, it is very fashionable to hyperbaric oxygen treatment for the face, such as that which launched Madonna.

The personal trainer Carla Bruni, the former aerobics champion Julia Ferrez, to drink in the morning on an empty stomach a glass of warm water with lemon juice, cleaning of the intestine, perhaps? At the table, says the trainer, Julia suggested to separate the carbohydrates from protein, eating carrots, tomatoes, oranges and almonds that are the true remedies to combat photoaging of the skin. His program also includes the first week of brisk walking 15 minutes at least 5 days out of 7, buttocks and stomach in tight. In the weeks following each time increment of 5 minutes to run and moved into its fourth week run at a fast pace.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Eagle Sport Sperm Wheel


Dear prof.
the matter is that I do not esteem and perhaps never will estimate the (and vice versa). Unfortunately, sometimes the streets meet reserve some regret, I can imagine, there you from the nest "without blinders" called Matrix. And the reserves, especially if the square is the living room of my house and you have been invited to entrare.Questa in conclusion I believe is the "hardest lesson (for her) to be explained" by his former student.

That said I continue on my way with my characteristics and qualities. Then your ridiculous (but I should say your) attempt to ridicule targeting sexual relationship with my partner (is it not a private thing?). Of course from your branch is fraught with far too easy to make a movie of real life and that movie your reason for living.

thought his business was not my vote and the experiences that led me to become aware of how the system set. I always got my vote naively, until I saw the consequences in the form of bullying and organized until I saw the reactions to my reactions Vs. Because (and I say defiantly) even if the system in vogue, is ready to steer with a fatalistic mood. Because everyone is looking for private solutions. Christ Stopped at Eboli because the pope stopped in Italy, one would think of stopping at the suggestions that I have inflicted. If we consider that the inhabitants of Eboli came to the north to export experience .... as we want to call ... cultural exchange?

My peculiarity is my non-conformity. How can you think that renounce my main feature? What matters is that its serious concerns regarding the dangers within the religious sects and then does the same thing they do, the brainwashing, a good end his and his friends? It's about time that the teacher taught religion say what a good time, not what they do not teach.

If your colleagues want to be reached by these words will certainly not hard to find a way to throw an eye.

We leave it at that, she once again divided, between life Real-life top-secret. I know for a fact that if you were me could not have done better. Michael

Friday, July 30, 2010

How To Delete Orange Account

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

Contact Lenses in Bolton
Rigotti: If I see you cable eyes

Rigotti Tumble: If you see me, just for one, thank you.

sifter Rigotti: But at least there you see the other

Rigotti Tumble: Yes kitchen but my husband so much. ***
fact ... (creatures in the swamp)
Pantano (cooking and singing): "He had a glass eye and a leg gypsum ...."

sifter Rigotti (sung in the accompanying ironic voice Roka): Wow .. tune your husband

Rigotti in Bolton: I'm sorry but what is it that you're famous?

Pantano ( fading): "But I liked it anyway, because he knew ballaaaar "

Lurgi (coming soon): Excuse me who pays a net toilet? I have a shitty taste in your mouth!

Bolton: I'll lend you!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Earring Findings Magnetic


In hot climate of the city these days we must keep a cool head as possible and not to use words in freedom. If a group of people consider to offer for a debate on the future of Montevarchi believe that is correct listen and must do so with clarity, without the spirit of guerilla Jacobins. At stake are economic development and employment, the life of families, the serenity of the elderly and the opportunities for younger generations. We do not believe that to discuss the collective future of our city should be only those who have the seal of the parties or gallons of nobility granted by those who do not know. In addition, although in recent elections there has been increasing administrative abstention on voting rights and a genuine flowering of Civic Lists some reason there will be! We hold that it is correct to identify the corporate world and the professions as an "evil". Finally, we believe that listening to the reasons of others, and develop solutions and answers is a specific task of politics, of true leadership and political parties which claim to be reformist and democratic tradition. Out of this logic is only a confrontation that has never benefited any community.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

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In these days by reading various newspapers have appeared in various reconstructions of developments in the debate about moving the Library Montevarchi Montevarchi occurred in the City Council following the presentation of an agenda Councillor Luciano Bucci. For clarity, we report the position expressed by the Socialist Group Council Chamber through the intervention of the final Parent Silvano Fei " Regarding the project to develop the advanced Ginestra strong reservations because they do not look at shifting the library as one of top priority for this City Council should pursue before the end of the mandate. The library is fine where it is, if he repents not shift the need 'and the urgent need. Bring out the old town library, in our view an error to the user, for the enhancement of natural and commercial center for the center in general. We are willing and ready to evaluate the new project that the commissioner must submit the appropriate forum for the enhancement of the complex of the broom, but before taking any final decision on whether we want to deepen the project management and its related costs and share with the nationality of the proposal and its compatibility. We agree and support the mayor in an effort to intercept PIUSS through all possible resources for the development of Montevarchi and invite him, but 'to think of a place other than a place for the Urban Center. "

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The City Council Thursday, June 24, the mayor gave a report on the protest promoted by merchants. Parent Council Chamber of the Socialist Group (Silvano EIF) for sustainable in his speech that " local institutions must listen carefully to the economic activities at a time of serious economic crisis like the one we are experiencing suffering in particular the situazione.In on the proposal of the Mayor of a referendum on the road it is considered that this represents a point of arrival and departure. E 'before the referendum must be covered all the possible ways to manage a process and make a proposta.In First City Council should be invested through its joints (committees, councils, etc ....) And then must re-open on a draft proposal for consultation with professional associations that can legitimately point out specific problems and give their valutazioni.Solo the end of this path we can talk of a referendum or other forms of popular participation . "

Thursday, May 27, 2010

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Protal, Dukan diet to lose weight protein-based

arrived from France a new diet to lose weight. His name is Protal and it is a Dietary made only protein-based meat and fish you can eat unlimited . Protal diet was invented by a Frenchman named Pierre Dukan nutritionist. There are many books devoted to this type of diet, and represent a real publishing success: the last, "I can not lose weight," "The method shows Dukan" and "Recipes Dukan" sail in the first position of the best-selling books in France. "My ambition, my dream - the dietician said - is that my diet is spreading as much as possible. This year I want to conquer Spain and Italy. " Its objective is to combat the rise in obesity in the world. "The 20 million today is not fat and obese are the same as 50 years ago - says nutritionist with the newspaper Liberation - In the past you fatter because they lived too well, today we get fat because they live too bad. You have to find a source of pleasure and the man finds solace in food. " Here then is the solution proposed by Dukan to lose weight: eat what you want as long as they only protein. It dimagrirà, says nutritionist, so incredible, especially in a hurry. According to him the word is "eat what you want" that attracts so many people, "Losing weight is hard and it is against nature: no animal goes without food - said Dukan, 69 years old, loves philosophy, social science and art - this needs minimum level of pleasure otherwise life is spent. Eating at will 'is a great anesthetic pain.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

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Losing weight Losing weight

When you want to lose weight is quite common practice to have a drink rather than eat something between meals. Especially summer 's heat then drives us to drink a lot. By doing so often does not produce the desired results and take pounds. The reason? Almost all soft drinks, water, calories are often excluded, many contain sugar .

Some are even more 'than you might think. Confirmation of a study of public health department of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore who examined 800 people. The research showed that for 37% of calories come from sugary drinks liquids taken . Reducing calories through liquids produces a weight loss more 'significant than that achieved by reducing the stored calories through food solidi.Per this in many countries have banned the drink vending machines. For he who gets used as a child to consume carbonated soft drinks and uses it the most 'frequently in adulthood.

Monday, May 24, 2010

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

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attention to drinks with the tumescent liposuction cosmetic

The most common weight loss is the tumescent liposuction. But we must correct ourselves a attimino: liposuction should not be considered the same way as a diet, if that makes us want to "lose weight" is because the fat is sucked reduces the mass of fatty tissue. That's why we lose pounds.
tumescent liposuction provides for the "suction" of fat from areas that have Accumoli as fat abdomen, thighs, buttocks as well as face, neck and breast. This is a real surgical treatment which involves a 'anesthesia (local or total) and a series of pre-operative investigations such as blood tests, urine tests, electrocardiogram and chest radiograph.

The doctor introduces a stainless steel cannula in the area affected by the fat and suck it up. In tumescent liposuction, as opposed to dry, are indrodotti drug-containing saline, anesthetic lidocaine and vasoconstrictor that "soften" the fat to be aspirated.
scars due to 'disappear over time introduction of catheters and treatment can permanently solve the problem in time dell'accumolo of localized fat.

I prices tumescent liposuction :
cost is not so cheap. They range from € 1500 for a treatment area of \u200b\u200bthe calves, ankles up to 6000 euro-zone legs buttocks. For a liposuction breast and neck spend an average of 3 thousand euro. Much also depends on the city where it operates. It is not uncommon save money in areas such as southern Italy Catania, Palermo and Taranto and a liposuction in Trieste and Milan is at least a 10% increase. Nono are rare cases of patients who go all 'to make a foreign tumescent liposuction. The countries chosen are usually those of 'eastern Europe and northern Africa as Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, in that case, the savings can be as much as 50%.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

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Given that we in a phase of difficulties facing the public and families, we believe, as expressed repeatedly and urged both the groups which the government of the city, is a duty to concentrate all its efforts to help those in need, by carefully assessing the priority of the costs and possibly putting off until better times a few choices.

E 'in this spirit that the party, together with its representatives in various parts of the city government, wanted to outline the objectives to be pursued in this end of term.

We believe that should be shared as decision making in the last phase of the legislature and the Democratic Party should take account of the views of the majority and not considered self-sufficient and, above all, do not shy away from confrontation.

Among the points that we wanted to linger in the paper are: the new planning rules with addresses that has accompanied the adoption, the cultural and social policy, the issue of associated services and businesses public.
Attachment: Montevarchi - Document for the center-left majority

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montevarchini The Socialists have wanted to point out, through the presentation of two observations to the planning rules (a of 6 cards made by the coordinator of the section on behalf of the Party the other consists of 2 cards submitted by the Leader of the City Council ), the submissions are being adopted and implemented, some of which were approved at the same address in the document.

addition to this Montevarchi Socialists believe that both the party on one side and the band council on the other hand, have to be vigilant to ensure that the Act is implemented correctly in order to achieve the shared goal of upgrading from the point of view the building, the old town.

Finally, we believe that in the weeks of work waiting for the City Council, consideration should also be on the burden of infrastructure costs, and standards provided for in the works various areas of processing, response time of the bureaucratic machinery that appear too long.
Attachments: Comments - Socialist Party Comments - Council Chamber of the Socialist Group

Thursday, April 29, 2010

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Cavitation weight loss diets

One of the most popular in recent times to lose weight is represented by cavitation lipocavitation aesthetic or as commonly referred to by many. This is a procedure that uses low frequency sound emissions in order to "implode" the accumulation of fat located in different areas as hips, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. We

but now a quick step back. Until a short time ago to lose weight drastically is resorted to liposuction or liposculpture to be more soft. The first is a technical considerations "surgery" doctor "sucks" the excess fat using a cannula in the transaction that penetrate the fatty tissue. There is need for anesthesia, you will face the consequences and operators will have to cope with even small scars that are created by 'insertion of the cannulas. In short, a rather invasive procedure while efficient. It is used usually for serious problems of overweight, for large localized fat in certain and special areas, is typical liposuction in the abdominal area or buttocks. The

liposculpture is a procedure a bit 'lighter, good for losing weight fast. The cannulas are introduced that are more refined, the removal of the fat you then also use the laser. The lipocavitation however, as previously mentioned, uses the action of sound waves at low frequencies below 20kHz, subtle sounds from 'man. Your doctor or specialist who will be working will a device in the treatment area. This device is connected to a machine that shoots sound waves. The latter are going to vibrate and then implode the bubbles of the interstices that will release the liquid fat that underlie the formation of fat. The liquid will then be expelled from the body through massage and lymphatic drainage through the action of the kidneys that turns them into liquid waste (urine).

The cost of a cavitation treatment cosmetic range from 100 to 200 € per session . You can find deals on packages of 10 sessions to 800 €, everything depends on the specialist who performs it or the "fame and prestige of the beauty salon or doctor to whom it is addressed.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

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Joint press release with the federation of the left

agreement on the need for a meeting quickly that the majority governs in the Palazzo Varchi to examine the economic and social situation of the country and fissarealcune priorities of the administrative work to be done in the months ahead. This is the result of the meeting took place, Monday, April 19, between the Socialist Party of the Left and the Federation of Montevarchi present secretaries and representatives of the groups board municipal and also for the Federation of the Left both provincial secretaries (Giancarlo Fausto Catena, and Try). It reads the joint statement signed by the two political forces, "sharing the choices to be made in the last phase of the legislature. The Democratic Party must take into account the views of the majority, is not considered to be self-sufficient and, above all, do not shy away from confrontation. "Among the items on the agenda of the new planning rules and guidelines document that has their adoption, the cultural and social policy, the issue of associated services and businesses pubbliche.Riteniamo, the statement concludes joint Socialist Party - Federation of the Left, "in which a phase of difficulties for citizens and families, is a duty to concentrate all its efforts to help those in need, by carefully assessing the priority of the costs and possibly putting off until better times a few choices. Given the current crisis is more necessary than ever to monitor closely all activity to ensure its effectiveness and economy. "

Monday, April 12, 2010

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mouth dissociated to lose weight The weight just by

Failing to dissociated diets used for weight loss. The fat accumulates not only in the type and the amount of food eaten, but especially now the same is consumed, not the fat in the evening then. This was revealed by a study published in the 'International Journal of Obesity, here you can read the abstract of the research . In practice

eat a breakfast with a prevalence of fat causes homeostasis (ie the stability of the organization) will be maintained in good condition even during the day meals are consumed too much carbohydrate-oriented, or too fat or too much protein, that is, with a prevalence of macroalimento.Viceversa, take the prevalence of carbohydrate and fat at breakfast the evening brings the storage of lipids, ie fats.

It a clear rejection of dissociated diets (carbohydrates a day, morning protein) . But this part was already known, as many as indicated best to lose weight is that the Mediterranean Diet Zone Diet. Both provide fact a constant supply of carbohydrates, proteins and fats during the 5 daily meals (and here in fact we would have to say about the snack on fruit).
conclusion: if you do not follow one of two diets mentioned above (or Mediterranean area, or at least a constant supply of the three macroalimenti), then you should have a high fat breakfast (without exaggeration, of course) compared to carbohydrates. In this way the body handles it better, that is ultimately going to burn the fat stores when required, any meals too oriented towards a macroalimento (as may be the wrong of our colleagues typical lunch: white rice and vegetables).

said even more clearly:
- French toast and jam (themselves) NO
- ham, cheese, eggs, milk and so forth (emphasis unsaturated fats like olive oil or coconut oil as well. This also seems to speed up the metabolism promoting weight loss) Yes
One might orient to toast, jam and something that goes to make proteins and fats.
Or if you do not like to mix sweet and salty, with a slice of bread with ham or dried beef and olive oil.
course, would be better to have a constant flow of macroalimenti (such as the widely cited 50% carbohydrate, 30% fat, 20% protein of the Mediterranean diet), but it is quite difficult to achieve for long periods.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

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missed in our diet

How do we know if we are eating too much? What is the right weight to lose in a hypothetical diet? We are not exaggerating? Or eat too?
are all legitimate questions, we should always have a nutritionist on hand which shows us the calories in that time we are accumulating with food. But we can try to go it alone, it is very difficult. It is to add up all the calories assume that eating and subtract those that burn. But how? Are not we forgetting something?

We also forgot to add that our BMR basal metabolic rate. Our bodies, all of them, they need energy to live burning, basal metabolic rate tells us how many calories you consume at 10 hours after a meal. Here you can check what is your BMR .

Once this is done now all we calculate the calories you burn during the day for our activities, ranging from 10 minutes to clean the house to take a walk of five minutes or an hour to do the dance. At this address there is a great calorie calculator .

Now we have to calculate all the calories that we have accumulated with food instead. At this address you find specific information on the calories of each food , try to be precise with the measurement.

now added to the BMR calories with physical activity, subtract the total calories accumulated with food. If you get a negative number means that if you eat too much otherwise the result is close to zero means that we are right balance between calories and calories accumulated.
not take these numbers too seriously though, everyone has a different metabolism and make precise calculations so it is very difficult and then come into play many parts in losing weight. Peor 'you can have at least an idea of \u200b\u200bthe weight in calories for each food.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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Montevarchi: Urban Regulation

For the Socialist Party to adopt the draft planning rules, which took place during the last City Council does not authorize any form of enthusiasm or to take for granted and already completed the administrative process. The balance achieved on the document of addresses that accompanied the adoption of the draft will have to find concrete realization in the amendments to be prepared during the next settimane.Secondo the direction of the municipal Party has stressed the need to balance good choices given the severe housing crisis in the sector, a crisis which particularly affects small businesses and businesses that artigianali.Riteniamo'apporto socialist advisers in drafting the document addresses in the herald a different approach than that presented by the Government - more - has been crucial and we welcome the decision by the council and other groups to accept the majority of our proposals which the establishment of a special fund where to allocate resources for reinvested in the historic center, the establishment of an office for the center and the identification of a new highway to the Oaks. "According to the Socialists Montevarchi the process must not end with the implementation of addresses but with a concrete result and that is why the party on the one hand and the other group council, will monitor closely so that the act is implemented properly to achieve the shared objective of upgrading in terms of building the center, bringing all'accorrenza further guidance with the observations at the planning rules in order to improve it further. "Finally we believe that in the weeks of work waiting for the City Council, consideration should also be on the burden of infrastructure costs, standards, and the works proposed in the various areas of processing, response time of the bureaucratic machinery that appear too long.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

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Lose weight without dieting

Many people do not have the desire or the will or even the constant dieting to lose weight, you may do so as not to give up the foods we love? If our diet is totally busted there is not much to do, but some useful trick is to avoid bad habits and can be implemented in an effective way to lose a bit 'of weight. Add to this, maybe some form of physical activity, perhaps only a half hour to walk briskly giornoa and you're done.

Here are tips to lose weight without a Diet:

1. Eat more 'food quality:
sounds like a stupid thing to say, but beware the food you eat, its quality. Do not say we look just the brand but take an interest in what ingerite.Smettete eating fried, fatty, processed foods, canned foods, foods that are prepared in a few minutes pre-cooked. Try to eat more fresh vegetables, salads, yogurt, some fresh fruit juice without sugar and preservatives. Reduce meat consumption.

2.Mangiate as little as possible outside the restaurant:
I know it's difficult, you always work out, but can be avoided when you go to the bar, sandwich bars, restaurants. Avoid fast food like the plague. Porat If you can do something that you prepared at home, such as salad or cold pasta.

3. Avoid consumption of carbonated drinks:
We are a company that can not live without soda, but any other drinks with sugar will put on more weight. Attention also to those who promise "no sugar", is the aspartane.

4.Bevete plenty of water:
Drink plenty of water will help purify the body and eliminate toxic substances. Many people think that drinking water is gaining weight, but it is scientifically proven that you lose weight by drinking more than double the price of failing to do so. Use the tap that in most cities is excellent.

5.Rinunciate alcoholic beverages if you want to lose weight:
Drinking alcohol does increase the excess weight, beers in hot weather are not a healthy alternative to keep you cool. Fruit juices are the best alternative to 'alcohol, but sugar-free as possible. Or water. Alcohol also makes you eat more, thus accumulating more fat.

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Losing weight on the abdomen and stomach, the food recommended

Most people who want to lose weight and who want to join some program, elimination of some of the excess fat from the belly or always start from the stomach before with other areas of the body, why? The truth is quite simple to understand, the fat on your stomach and you immediately notice in the summer. It 's the ultimate symbol of laziness and relaxation.

is well known that people with a flat stomach to be advantaged in dress, the famous sculpted abs are also a dream of many men. It is also a very difficult to maintain if you're not fat-free or not so skinny. They are many in the gym to hate the abdomen that despite working out consistently no results. Is it really so difficult to lose weight and fat in the stomach?

No if you know how and where to act. Not much use to destroy abs if you do not follow a proper diet, you'll end up wasting your time.

But what are the foods that should be taken to reduce the fat of the stomach or belly?

Oats: Oats with cow's milk is good for breakfast, you start your day, how does the oats? It 'a food that satisfies a lot, gives a lot of energy, more' protein than carbohydrates. And 'good in the morning and has a low glycemic index, and a little sugar.

Tea: increases the rate of burning fat, you can drink it groped for half an hour before starting to work the abs. Do not overdo the protein, better without.

wheat bread: it contains more fiber than bread flour, also helps to burn fat, maintaining a more 'lighter than the classic bread even if taken in large quantities.

grapefruit : Eat fruit regularly, in particular the way that grapefruit after meals increases metabolism and controls the secretion of insulin. This fruit also contains phenylalanine, which acts on the satiety centers.

Drink plenty of water: your thinking is: "I drink lots of water, weight gain." The truth is that drinking lots of water leads to remove the toxic content in your body that enable you to lose weight even on the stomach and belly.

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Lose Weight in 7 days does it hurt?

E'divenuto very popular slogan "Lose Weight in 7 days" or in a week, but the question on everyone's mind, besides the fact whether it is realistic, is: Does it hurt? And 'welcome to make a drastic reduction in such a short time?

First of all the specialists say that the loss of weight in a week is a method that ultimately can not work in a proportionate manner. Usually people tend to fall back into bad habits. This sudden weight loss to be effective usually involves taking medications that can lead to harmful side effects if taken regularly, so the answer is yes, it could hurt.
hardly lose 7 pounds in a week or even worse 30 pounds in one month, but realistically you can cut 4 pounds. But it's worth it? No. The body is also made up of fluids, eat, reducing their muscle mass could lead to these results, but when you come back to a regular power supply have recovered everything.

Consider carefully the risk always remembering that the weight reduction must be carried out smoothly and marked with time. In a reasonable way you can think of to lose 500 grams of weight per week, 1 pound if you're particularly overweight.

So try to avoid drugs and follow a regular diet, apply it consistently and combine it with exercise. A little salt and common sense in everything you do, forget the slogans "7 pounds in 7 days," good choice for the title of a film, that of SAG cockpit.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

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What happened to the first lady? Who are the real leaders

If Michelle Obama, America's first lady, not afraid to show up in shorts between an official visit and the other, you certainly can not say the same for women in Leader threatening the Italian political scene. Where are the First Lady? Am I dealing with stove, family, and Christmas carols can not even look at the xxxfesta famigliaxxx? The want of us, deserve to be heard and listened to, photographed with their family history, close to their "great" man. For us women of the third millennium divided between home and family is more important than ever. And instead there always seem to occupy a secondary place to to fly to someone else in the family. They want their faces, which are not faded in the background of a photo. We would like to share in the global village. How hard is it to the first lady? And 'everything golf and manicure or is there? Let us know.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

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release following the statements of Councillor Elizabeth Benitez published in the newspaper "The Nation" of January 22, 2010

learn from printing the comments of Dr. Benini unique to our statement of last week. Before looking at what they vote for the Socialists, we recommend Dr. Benini of thinking to their expressions of votes from the now distant in time, favorable to the recovery of the ghost town of Via Tagliamento (complex former homes of the INA-CASA Ginestra) now finally, will be demolished. Even So, remember, thought he could pontificate on the choices of the socialists who also turned out to be right. As for our position, we reiterate today themes and issues already advanced, and the majority in the Council, even recently. The address given in respect of subsidiaries and associated services does not exempt us from wanting transparency and clarity, results of effectiveness and efficiency of choices made. Choices that are not tenets of faith and that, at any time a legislature has a duty verificare.Non it seems that this prefigures or no crisis, we believe that debate should be deemed to affect any dignity. Today more than ever, given the economic and social crisis, the distress of citizens and families, the political forces should play their role at best. We do not intend to abandon it. The rest of the political theater seems indeed not so bright.

Monday, January 25, 2010

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Montevarchi: threats to mayor, the solidarity of the Socialist

Press of Friday, January 22, 2010 18:19

The band council of the Italian Socialist Party of Montevarchi strongly condemns the serious act of intimidation which has recently been the victim Mayor Giorgio Valentini and expresses its solidarity and closeness aa him and his family. "These gestures are not merely the result of sick minds, but a national and local climate of racism that, unfortunately, sometimes leads to real xenophobia - said in a statement -. Commitment policy of the Mayor and City Council Montevarchi, in recent years, has always been transparent and aimed at respecting diversity, but in peaceful coexistence. The actions put in place policies have always been aimed at integration and mutual respect. Undoubtedly these clear signs of attention to the transformation of our society have been manipulated and transformed so diverted. Finally we wish to express full support of the police action, undertaken to shed light on the incident as soon as possible. "