Thursday, January 27, 2011

Improve Sound Les Paul Studio


Nelcorso several meetings devoted examination of the political representatives of the town eamministrativa Italian Socialist Party, the Left Ecology and Freedom and the Federation of the Left Montevarchi hannoverificato the existence of common ideas about the future of the city and are given the 'goal, from shared programmatic points, to work together to unprogramma be made available to the city and its citizens in view delleprossime elections.
Talescelta stems from the essential renewal and discontinuity, didare life at a turning point that can bridge the gap between citizens edistituzioni obvious, of with new proposals to address the longstanding problems of centrostorico like those of other districts and villages, through laridefinizione of certain items of expenditure and the PIUSS regoleurbanistiche for greater attention to the problems of mobility and traffic, for the expansion and enhancement public parks. Labour, esolidarietà serenity, the points of the work to be done in the coming years perrilanciare Montevarchi that can and must play a leading role in Valdarno.
Socialist Party, Left eFederazione Ecology and Freedom of the Left have also agreed to identify and sostenerequel candidate for city guide who can best interpret questeesigenze and to extend the invitation to tuttele civil and social forces that want to share this path. The nostrasfida will, henceforth, to create a strong element of cohesion and winning unitàsu ideas and programs, some to interpret the desires, aspirations and leistanze of many citizens and citizens of Montevarchi.


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