Nothing better than the paraphrase Lyrics of Captain TESE to summarize the current state of PD Montevarchi and beyond. The great fetish of the primaries are mixed and made to disappear depending on the needs and, above all, convenience. As noted by Corrado Guzzanti "the PD was the first Italian to make the party primaries and the only one in the world to lose." And 'here lies the problem: they do or not do, because you do not, we can choose, if some people do not disturb the handlers, or else you look for the "foreign pope." To read the news of national and local newspapers, home of choice to communicate externally, on the subject you risk a headache. Read on to declare that "The Country "Secretary Bencini, one gets the impression that now the PD of Montevarchi" if the does and he sings. " Nothing beats the best of the comic reality show now at the edge of farce.
over a year we try to share with the PD ideas and proposals to improve the management of the municipal administration. Not too many thoughts on the latest developments and management of investee companies to obtain silence or excommunication. Record, provided by the newspapers that reported the resignation of the president, the objections advanced on Pluriservizi spa were not far-fetched. The rest was enough to ask why the City of St. John chose to distance themselves from society. We are not geniuses, but we do not keep our heads in the sand. BENCINI does not speak of this, he likes the litany repeated. Face, the PD of Montevarchi, what suits them best and the theater who are passionate about. Maybe the Secretary BENCINI communicate their thoughts and leave others the freedom to do the same. One recommendation: every now and take care of the city, its problems and choices to be made to improve the lives of individuals and families. He 's young but should know that politics and political parties are for.
Note Section of the Board following the declaration of the Secretary of the PD Montevarchi Alessandro Bencini
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