Ilmomento public finance anything but a brilliant minortrasferimento of economic resources to local authorities by the State Eregion one hand and economic and social situation of the general nostropaese the other requires a rigorous approach to government actions localee parameters of the municipal budget to avoid jeopardizing the diservizi disbursements. We believe it is necessary to focus the debate politicoil theme of the approach to drafting the 2011 budget. A budget that is learned according aQuantive economic analysis very difficult to define for Striptease transfers and revenue losses resulting from the effect of crisi.Occorrerà minimize many of the expenditures in order to ensure the very serviziritenuti to review priorities of many projects. Riteniamoche the investee companies and their financial results must enter into the calculation of the municipal budget. In meritoalla of strategic equity investments in the debate for each party ritieneche a thorough audit should be conducted to assess irisultati management and prospects in order to do so piùefficace the action of the City's direction and control. We chedelle nine subsidiaries in various capacities, the City of Montevarchisiano, at this moment, to be declared non-strategic or otherwise objectionable FIDIToscana, AREZZO HOUSE, CSA Services, CSA systems, reclamation services, AFM Spa
Perquanto CONSIAG Spa we respect, both for the number of shares owned (0, 76%) than for fusionecon processes of other companies that can not be held strategic and put on the market to free up resources metterea available to the investment program of the City. Finally, as we believe that riguardaValdarno Development and Pluriservizi moltaattenzione must be assessed in order to define a new mission and a different Governance at last not to be found in a new slaughterhouse.
In particular, we believe that over the next 60/90 days suValdarno Developing a plan is formulated strategicodi relaunch and use of the company. In our opinion, this company dovrebbeessere entirely public (Comunidel Valdarno Florence and the more the two provinces) and recovered allapropria original vocation as a support to the economy and businesses delterritorio programs and counseling for research funding egaranzie credit. VALDARNO SVILUPPOpotrebbe handle local marketing and establishment of new businesses, training and innovation.
Finally, we believe that the City must also against its subsidiary companies comePubbliacqua exert a more effective verification to protect deicittadini and operators in the city. The events of recent days, legateall'aumento of security deposits, show a lack of transparency and lack-controlling part of the guarantee is that by entilocali. The citizens can not remain without consumer protections.
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