tumescent liposuction provides for the "suction" of fat from areas that have Accumoli as fat abdomen, thighs, buttocks as well as face, neck and breast. This is a real surgical treatment which involves a 'anesthesia (local or total) and a series of pre-operative investigations such as blood tests, urine tests, electrocardiogram and chest radiograph.
The doctor introduces a stainless steel cannula in the area affected by the fat and suck it up. In tumescent liposuction, as opposed to dry, are indrodotti drug-containing saline, anesthetic lidocaine and vasoconstrictor that "soften" the fat to be aspirated.
scars due to 'disappear over time introduction of catheters and treatment can permanently solve the problem in time dell'accumolo of localized fat.
I prices tumescent liposuction :
cost is not so cheap. They range from € 1500 for a treatment area of \u200b\u200bthe calves, ankles up to 6000 euro-zone legs buttocks. For a liposuction breast and neck spend an average of 3 thousand euro. Much also depends on the city where it operates. It is not uncommon save money in areas such as southern Italy Catania, Palermo and Taranto and a liposuction in Trieste and Milan is at least a 10% increase. Nono are rare cases of patients who go all 'to make a foreign tumescent liposuction. The countries chosen are usually those of 'eastern Europe and northern Africa as Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, in that case, the savings can be as much as 50%.
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