but now a quick step back. Until a short time ago to lose weight drastically is resorted to liposuction or liposculpture to be more soft. The first is a technical considerations "surgery" doctor "sucks" the excess fat using a cannula in the transaction that penetrate the fatty tissue. There is need for anesthesia, you will face the consequences and operators will have to cope with even small scars that are created by 'insertion of the cannulas. In short, a rather invasive procedure while efficient. It is used usually for serious problems of overweight, for large localized fat in certain and special areas, is typical liposuction in the abdominal area or buttocks. The
liposculpture is a procedure a bit 'lighter, good for losing weight fast. The cannulas are introduced that are more refined, the removal of the fat you then also use the laser. The lipocavitation however, as previously mentioned, uses the action of sound waves at low frequencies below 20kHz, subtle sounds from 'man. Your doctor or specialist who will be working will a device in the treatment area. This device is connected to a machine that shoots sound waves. The latter are going to vibrate and then implode the bubbles of the interstices that will release the liquid fat that underlie the formation of fat. The liquid will then be expelled from the body through massage and lymphatic drainage through the action of the kidneys that turns them into liquid waste (urine).
The cost of a cavitation treatment cosmetic range from 100 to 200 € per session . You can find deals on packages of 10 sessions to 800 €, everything depends on the specialist who performs it or the "fame and prestige of the beauty salon or doctor to whom it is addressed.
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