Joint press release with the federation of the left
agreement on the need for a meeting quickly that the majority governs in the Palazzo Varchi to examine the economic and social situation of the country and fissarealcune priorities of the administrative work to be done in the months ahead. This is the result of the meeting took place, Monday, April 19, between the Socialist Party of the Left and the Federation of Montevarchi present secretaries and representatives of the groups board municipal and also for the Federation of the Left both provincial secretaries (Giancarlo Fausto Catena, and Try). It reads the joint statement signed by the two political forces, "sharing the choices to be made in the last phase of the legislature. The Democratic Party must take into account the views of the majority, is not considered to be self-sufficient and, above all, do not shy away from confrontation. "Among the items on the agenda of the new planning rules and guidelines document that has their adoption, the cultural and social policy, the issue of associated services and businesses pubbliche.Riteniamo, the statement concludes joint Socialist Party - Federation of the Left, "in which a phase of difficulties for citizens and families, is a duty to concentrate all its efforts to help those in need, by carefully assessing the priority of the costs and possibly putting off until better times a few choices. Given the current crisis is more necessary than ever to monitor closely all activity to ensure its effectiveness and economy. "
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