First of all the specialists say that the loss of weight in a week is a method that ultimately can not work in a proportionate manner. Usually people tend to fall back into bad habits. This sudden weight loss to be effective usually involves taking medications that can lead to harmful side effects if taken regularly, so the answer is yes, it could hurt.
hardly lose 7 pounds in a week or even worse 30 pounds in one month, but realistically you can cut 4 pounds. But it's worth it? No. The body is also made up of fluids, eat, reducing their muscle mass could lead to these results, but when you come back to a regular power supply have recovered everything.
Consider carefully the risk always remembering that the weight reduction must be carried out smoothly and marked with time. In a reasonable way you can think of to lose 500 grams of weight per week, 1 pound if you're particularly overweight.
So try to avoid drugs and follow a regular diet, apply it consistently and combine it with exercise. A little salt and common sense in everything you do, forget the slogans "7 pounds in 7 days," good choice for the title of a film, that of SAG cockpit.
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