are all legitimate questions, we should always have a nutritionist on hand which shows us the calories in that time we are accumulating with food. But we can try to go it alone, it is very difficult. It is to add up all the calories assume that eating and subtract those that burn. But how? Are not we forgetting something?
We also forgot to add that our BMR basal metabolic rate. Our bodies, all of them, they need energy to live burning, basal metabolic rate tells us how many calories you consume at 10 hours after a meal. Here you can check what is your BMR .
Once this is done now all we calculate the calories you burn during the day for our activities, ranging from 10 minutes to clean the house to take a walk of five minutes or an hour to do the dance. At this address there is a great calorie calculator .
Now we have to calculate all the calories that we have accumulated with food instead. At this address you find specific information on the calories of each food , try to be precise with the measurement.
now added to the BMR calories with physical activity, subtract the total calories accumulated with food. If you get a negative number means that if you eat too much otherwise the result is close to zero means that we are right balance between calories and calories accumulated.
not take these numbers too seriously though, everyone has a different metabolism and make precise calculations so it is very difficult and then come into play many parts in losing weight. Peor 'you can have at least an idea of \u200b\u200bthe weight in calories for each food.
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