are one billion two hundred million women who work in the world. A number only in the last decade has seen an increase of 20%. Unfortunately, the workers are mostly confined to less productive sectors, to bear the major economic risks and are often deprived of access to social protection and fundamental rights. Not to mention the wage gap has been made in the world. There also remains unchanged, the proportion of employed women (40% of the workforce), despite the increased level of education and the gap has been narrowing for some indicators of the labor market. These are the main findings of the report "Global Employment Trends Women" presented by the International Labour . "Women still constitute the workforce in large numbers. This progress should not pass unnoticed the great injustices that still exist in workplaces throughout the world," says the ILO Director General Juan Somavia. Many of them are still employed in vulnerable positions are not salaried or otherwise are not economically independent. The phenomenon is particularly common in the poorest regions of the world. Despite improvements in recent years, still too high and the proportion of female workers in positions of discomfort and uncertainty (almost 90% in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia). "The workplace and the world of work - said Somavia - are fundamental to the achievement of gender equality and the advancement of women in society. By promoting decent work for women, reinforcing the company and supports the economic and social progress. " As evidence of this shows that the areas where there has been significant economic growth are those with the highest female participation in work, more low rates of unemployment and fewer differences in the distribution in the area of \u200b\u200buse. " access to labor markets and to decent work is crucial to achieving equal opportunities " said Evy Messell, Director of ILO Office for Equal Opportunities, "but women must still overcome many obstacles discrimination when seeking employment. The companies can not afford to ignore the potential of women's work for poverty reduction and must seek innovative ways to break down the barriers to economic, social and political issues. provide a basis of equality for women in employment do not only ethically wrong, it is also an investment intelligent in the long term. " Today, for every ten men in employment, women who work there are seven. If it is true, the report's authors stress that not all women want to work, it is certain that all women should be given the opportunity to choose whether to work or not. And if they choose to work, must be given the opportunity to choose and remunerative work with the same rights as their male colleagues.
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