The crowd was crazy, all the cheering, I wanted ... there were many girls who, at the end of the evening were "stretched" the breast for autographs, and stirred up a lot of the same Ronny her to create a CD .... Ronny has juggles our best the situation that seemed to degenerate, is between a trumpet and the other managed to reach the dressing room with the release of security ... which then managed to disappear!
collectors are calling and coming from all over the world for Ronny, seomlicemente because it has a trumpet and all, what could be so special about that tool??
The sound comes out so smooth thanks to the fat layer that covers the darn thing already ..... and, for special effect, while some break between a breath and another shot ... PATATINEEE! RONNY
Please do not miss the news of the CD out of Ronald McDonald and, remember, Vasco Rossi and Elisa ...... am no one to compare the melody!
RONNY, It will not end 'Surprises from!!
Fawakkamente hardened fan Elly
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