Sunday, January 30, 2011

Long Labias Streching

A Monticino of stones on a board. Only a stone more than will ever do harm?
's so absurd that I lose almost laughable, it can not react like that before so careless behavior.
At that time the place is full, full of people, laugh, jump, drink, scream, have fun. You have to move forward with his elbows high to not catch a shove and threaten to fall to the ground ... luckily the rescue comes always a helping hand, an arm to hold on, back from a hug. The music is loud. And even they arrive, they are, you knew would come. Lips to kiss.
You know not, when you say that last moment of life passes before your eyes in a flash, all that we been?
When two pairs of lips meet happens exactly the same. In the opposite direction though.
Seconds, say ten, maybe it's not too much, you only need three, and in such a short time you have already thrown in the reality where you think in two, where the eyes are reflected in another pair of shining eyes, where the hands are cross and the bodies are narrow straits. Where is the rule of the embrace.
"I want to stay as we are now for two weeks, just neighbors."
And you do, you do not feel like a thousand catapultartici in the beautiful and illusion reality? Ah, but the words are measured, the sentences must be interpreted, the misconduct must be accepted ... No, thanks. I'm not there, occhei in determining and interpreting, but I believe that there is still some good in what you do. I try to believe it, I try not to give up.
Despite my expectations have been cut short and another stone is added to the pile, the wood beam is bent, the weight is all. But no, it does not break.
And you know what makes a poor plank of wood? And resists calls for added yet another milestone! Logical
you want to escape, that you want to hide, do not think that explanation. But those dates are, unfortunately, or fortunately, we rolled up our sleeves and accept the figure of shit that we built. Then .. well, then friends as before. If the level of maturity allows.
So far I can do it, I passed the worst, perhaps not, but I am succeeding, what nature did not give me the height I won in tenacity.
The rumors make me well, though with a special friend then, are risanatorie. I lifted and I think the right thing to do is get back on track. Sitting at the table supporting his head on his hand, is back on track ... ... I will!
Like a bolt from the blue, ironically, your song around me. I adore that voice, that you know the song by heart, if I hear their name immediately links it to you, and I've got them before the eyes with the video projected on the big screen as big as a house. Stunned, the scenes are reflected in the eyes and think of how fun it is to stumble on a part of you the very day that we have moved away, we're back to being friends like before. Let's listen to this
Liam saying "You Did not know what to say, It All Came at you today, can not get out your own way, well hold on, hold on, hold on ... Hold on, hold on, hold on. The music is high and continues to play.
And we, we continue to dance.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Improve Sound Les Paul Studio


Nelcorso several meetings devoted examination of the political representatives of the town eamministrativa Italian Socialist Party, the Left Ecology and Freedom and the Federation of the Left Montevarchi hannoverificato the existence of common ideas about the future of the city and are given the 'goal, from shared programmatic points, to work together to unprogramma be made available to the city and its citizens in view delleprossime elections.
Talescelta stems from the essential renewal and discontinuity, didare life at a turning point that can bridge the gap between citizens edistituzioni obvious, of with new proposals to address the longstanding problems of centrostorico like those of other districts and villages, through laridefinizione of certain items of expenditure and the PIUSS regoleurbanistiche for greater attention to the problems of mobility and traffic, for the expansion and enhancement public parks. Labour, esolidarietà serenity, the points of the work to be done in the coming years perrilanciare Montevarchi that can and must play a leading role in Valdarno.
Socialist Party, Left eFederazione Ecology and Freedom of the Left have also agreed to identify and sostenerequel candidate for city guide who can best interpret questeesigenze and to extend the invitation to tuttele civil and social forces that want to share this path. The nostrasfida will, henceforth, to create a strong element of cohesion and winning unitàsu ideas and programs, some to interpret the desires, aspirations and leistanze of many citizens and citizens of Montevarchi.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Do I Get A Replacement Car Title In Pa Fast?

The rule is not to be angry

Occhei that maybe sometimes we bandaged his head too, but more often at least some of the questions we ask or not? They were days in the name of competitiveness, discussions and misunderstandings, buttons clicked and signed documents, were the first days when you are criticized for claiming not quite able to do something and after you do it because it is proposed to good people like us do not find ...
So who was right? The envious or sincere?
I bet soon the alarm, I wake up at night with the thought of not being able to stand up for them a few hours and I have not planned a big day but only a few hours of that seasoned sauce that few have had the good fortune to discover, that salty taste that gives life, that part of you that have given pleasure to someone else.
opened his eyes, jumped on the bed and hurriedly get ready to leave, it's late and I'm late as usual. Arrive expecting to find the others already seated waiting for sulking. I open the door and you are there that sips his cappuccino while reading a book, an important book consigliatole by a person as important. He hears the sound of the door open and looked up at me giving me a smile, as hello.
We are waiting for half an hour well, someone else, but she says it jokingly, as if it were a normal thing. I understand the rule of our friendship, laugh of beautiful, the bad and the incomprehensible, the strange, the boring and scary. In practice, this rule does not exist, so that's all.
He tells me his meetings where the prevailing sweetness and tenderness, is sincere and does not omit anything, I feel, I look thrilled. She is telling me something of herself, she is telling me, just me. I paint a smile on her lips while she is talking about and I am sure you will understand my "thanks". The latecomer
(over me) joins the conversation, to make a cappuccino and croissant with updates, gossip, anxieties unemployed, crossed eyes, unexpected meetings. And there the laugh.
A puppy enters the bar, and we laugh again!
I feel comforted in thinking that this morning where he really who does not deserve it literally wiped out.
not my problem to decide who deserves and who does not, it's inside me that is the choice, I only know that those who live in hiding will not be able to assert themselves when the time to come out when it's time to show our faces together in public. If
gratitude is due to us not worth what a "hello", we in the meantime, the whole answer (because we give the answers), we laugh, we make strange ways similar to a bark, let's pretend to be sick, we buy shoes yellow, we continue to laugh, we look in the eyes as we speak, we use cameras and then develop the film and we touch the jaw pain.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Calculate Vertical Temperature Gradient

Speaking of polls ...

Dear comrades, friends and supporters,
thanking you for expressing vs. preference for mates Caciulli and peripherals in the first poll published during the last week on the website of local television TV1, renews its call not to express any preference in the current poll published.
The survey conducted by TV1, from a technical standpoint, has highlighted a number of issues that make it actually a tool not immediately apparent.
While the first version of each vote that showed the variation of the instant poll (this is the mode used by most polls "free" on the Internet), the second version (and then even the present) reveals a total lack of transparency because it requires sending an email to generic tv1 (and therefore manageable "manually" by recipient when and how they see fit) and without the sender has neither an immediate (variation of the vote) nor a confirmation email to the same, drawing up the vote. The justification
date "website that went haywire" is purely instrumental as their like, and with much greater inflows, there are plenty of them.
From this it follows that, by virtue of the reports received by you, the voting procedure, and therefore this poll is to boycott as subject to manipulation not directly controlled by those who express a preference.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mesa Formula Preamp For Sale

The novel that is within us

and I the other. Me against the other.
Who loses?
obvious answer as obvious, and every time, every attempt in every story, every chance I .... Without pity I say and I say, I miss you!
For one reason or another, or've tried, just for the connections, I can see far, far away that light, I run great (my short legs do not allow me to run strong, but strong will) and ' grab. The relish.
It 'good, a new flavor every time, with every bite. I even lick their lips.
Like all good things, however, ends. And between my thumb and index finger there's nothing left, the two fingers touching loosely that taste delicious and so much desired.
One is left with a nothing that makes you think.
the good friend recommended that sincerity is always appreciated, she loves you and makes you deal with the speech in a quiet, we want to encourage.
The friend who likes to study people, however, looks at you, shut up, without even thinking and then prepare a minimum you spit the raw, according to him, truth.
"Ah, but I had understood from the beginning" I will give as an excuse to drink while still pounding in my mind the two hypotheses.
It arrived at this point who would make me more comfortable to believe?


But it is strange to talk to all these facts already made, the books seem to love stories that every question, have found an answer by opening a random page of ourselves.

"Why is it that you care about life
's the matter when you're still asleep and you sow the soul into an image,
or smell, or sound that you do not then remove them again.
And that there was happiness. He discovered later, when it is too late.
And now you are, forever, an exile: a thousand miles away from that image, by the sound, by smell. Adrift. "

Alessandro Baricco


Monday, January 3, 2011

Do You Feel Wet Before Period

Why luck is skipping a start

My hands as a woman. Long, squared the series. Ten pounds of gel above are strong, hard, scratchy. Tapping a finger on the desk at a time, it makes me feel great and sexy. Just as the boring teacher who during the afternoon, as he read the marketing blurb, he enjoyed rubbing on the desk doing all my mates fastidious shiver. And envious.

my hands a little girl. Small, thin and childish. The cuticles are bitten and ask for mercy. They are the result of my days of meetings and speeches made and, without unnecessary meetings and then only attractive, made of interesting talks and useless just then.
I have a contradiction between my hands, I have it in hand. Girl always a woman only when I want.
I like it when others can not decipher which way I choose to dress, think they have in front of a stupid girl and low but my strength to pull out when it's time to talk and spit in the face of the adult who sometimes they are and decide to show others.
How do I know of them surprised?
There are several options: to respond to attention and hurt the eyes of the victim in the situation or pretend to be amazed and congratulated the maturity that I had not thought, or begin to rummage in her bag to search all the costs of pulling out the newest, most beautiful, the most convenient, that bought on sale after January 7, sorry.
That excuse that you hear when you do not know whether to burst into a loud, humiliating and embarrassing laugh out loud or remain wide-eyed trying to figure out how courage, who has told you, you might think that even Minimally, we believe.
no evil, I pray, I talk a lot and then I just, I manage to make a windbag, but always and inevitably fall into the error of many which is to be unable ever to the end to do what they really I think.
fact is that my beautiful nails team I loved so much when I passed on those hair shaved and felt bucarmi fingertips. What a thrill.
of what I write I am sure, groped and try to find someone to hold your hand before I can understand if you dressed as a woman or girl.
exist? Only a matter of luck finding.
Meanwhile, I leap to be able to reach it.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cooking Lazanga With Tin

" Everyone has the world it deserves. I realized that I maybe mine is this one here.
has weird is normal. "

Now it happens that you start.
Everyone starts what he wants, everyone tries to start something he believes.
Everyone, but in his own way. You try, hopefully, there is a commitment. Sometimes it succeeds, almost never.
For many starts in 2011, to me, today begins a challenge that is both a commitment and a pleasure.
They told me they are good, for once, I try to believe, and to show all my good will I do not run away with a point, not just one.
The important thing is trying to start ...
