Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Is The Differnet In Prado Vx And Txl

JOINT PRESS PSI-FdS Following a meeting on October 25, 2010

Society of Health, Union of Municipalities and associated services, trim the bureaucracy and transfer of the Library, guidelines and priorities for preparing the 2011 budget were the main topics of the meeting held Monday, October 25, 2010 between the Italian Socialist Party of the Left and the Federation of Montevarchi. These coordinators citizens, city councilors, Faust attempts, Provincial Secretary PRC.
City, between the two political forces, the view on the need for a majority share of palace doors on the choices made in the coming months. Faced with a difficult situation in general and the cuts to transfers decreed by the Finance Act, PSI and FDS believe that should be examined for the maximum efficiency of public agencies, non-essential expenditure restraint, the recovery of resources to support and enhance the services and support to individuals and families.
PSI and FDS Lastly, an appeal to the Democratic Party so calmly and constructively address the rightful job of deepening the topics of discussion, looking for that share that too often in the past was not considered necessary.

Federation of the Left-Socialist Party of Italian-Montevarchi

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thrush And Probiotics


We read with astonishment and bitterness of the Democratic Party, signed the note A. Bencini PL and Fabiano and we run the obligation to respond.
We reiterate that in the first place around our press release in response to uncommon on 9 October has led to a misunderstanding that we have readily clarified in a letter to Mayor Valentini branched to the press. We do not intend on this, add more if you do not advise Bencini Fabiani and review lessons in reading comprehension.
We note that the PD is not considered definitive to confirm the choice, turning into permanent contracts, the current number of directors. It is the first time that the Pd comment on and we do believe that to meet the assumption that the next administration will have freedom of choice, you will not progress any further administrative action. Reject it hints around this theme. We wonder, for example, as discussed Bencini and Fabiano reference right on the view that the absence of any comparison has expressed our disappointment. Expressed in time and in every home, verbally and in writing as easily demonstrable. As for all'illazione that our position is hidden behind some assumptions subdivisions, we find it offensive, groundless and free. Used for purposes clearly derogatory. If we want a public debate on housing estates, we are available immediately .
not worry the Democratic Party! The Our intention is to think about what is best for the administration and the city and applies to both Montevarchi as with other levels of government. And, by failing to respond to summons people and events that resemble both on a personal fatwas and show the style of the writers, we want to reassure the Democratic Party that no two socialist parties in Montevarchi. We know it is a social game
distinguish between good socialists and bad socialists. Of course, the good ones always say yes to the Democratic Party. A Montevarchi there is only one party that has long sought to share ideas and solutions with the coalition. Who proposed ideas and has been systematically ignored, which continued and continues to work to improve the second conviction, the policies of city government.
Our political horizon has been and will continue to consist of a transparent policy of all equal in front of the administration, the best services for citizens, to decide to give Montevarchi wealth, employment, welfare and safety. On this we will face in the first place with the city.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Does A Pinguecula Ever Go Away?


letter sent to the mayor by all the leaders of the Socialist Party of Montevarchi (including Councillors and Municipal Councillor) in order to shed light on our press and mix to a possible further controversy in the bud.

Dear Mayor
read your October 16, the current difficulties have not to say that we never thought of or wanted to say that you'll be considered an affiliate and we apologize for this misunderstanding.
no coincidence that this injury does not appear in any part of our statement in response to InComune of 9 last year. The interpretation given by you of the relationship between the term pizzino and your person is entirely subjective and do not belong to us. Actually, it seems a little 'forced. If someone were to misunderstand the very first obtain deny excuse.
mean, however, and if you read carefully you will seem manifest a tendency allusion, an encrypted message that bring up the past to de-legitimize beliefs now well in the text of InComune. It was not the first time this happens we wanted to express our disappointment. We have explained well when we write we do not want to use this style. We believe that this is not the best way to argue his case, especially when you consider that these reasons are those which could lead to better choices for the city. Moreover, in journalistic language is well established use of the term pizzino with this meaning. One need only recall the headlines and the news services when, during a TV broadcast of "La7" (November 2009), Senator PD Latorre pass a quick note to Hon. Bocchino, then PDL, to suggest topics for discussion with the Hon. Massimo Donadi IDV.
agree with you that can occur in political discourse, even among coalition partners, a conflict between different ideas, all legitimate. This legitimacy, however, can not be established only in the abstract and must be respected by each of the actors in the field. And this, in recent times, there seems to be always the case.
Convinced he had clarified the terms of debate,
We send you warm greetings.

Friday, October 15, 2010

In Flames Gitarrensound

With regard to statements by the Mayor concerning the issue of managers, published on the website of the Municipality

For some time, the press office of the City more reported that the real draw of pizzini . Pizzini showing discomfort and irritation of the Mayor to anyone to criticize the administration or only obvious points of view. Evidently, the Party of Love has been emulated at Palazzo Varchi. The last of
pizzini out to us directly on the question of the management. We do not want to adopt the same style while having plenty of material to bring up the past and many administrative decisions that still weigh like a burden on the city and the Arno Valley.
instead declare our opposition to the resolution amending the employment of Some senior figures in the belief that it would be appropriate to carry out an overall reorganization of the bureaucratic apparatus in the light of the ongoing debate on the Union of Municipalities, allocating any savings made for other purposes since the incentives for employees. Shared by the opposition party and the Group Board and has found natural expression in the negative vote in the sitting of the municipal council.
confirm that the choice seems in contrast with what happens in other government-led center-left, above the region where the President Rossi has set its own shares on the containment of expenditure of figures and executive counseling. It is not, However, the Region of Tuscany were to be counted among those considered even before the non-virtuous actions of Rossi, who perhaps read the future with some concern.
finally declare our opposition to the method of work adopted by the Mayor denoting annoyance to the practice of consultation and sharing of decisions with the forces of the majority council. Majority that, at this point and in view of new administrative steps, should take note of their marginalization.
We have already addressed the Democratic Party and the Federation of the Left's request to speak clearly on this and other issues on the table. For now, record, particularly the Democratic Party, a deafening silence that is hard to understand except in the sense of a lack of words to say. In itself it is not reassuring to anyone, especially for the city.

Fabio Camiciottoli
Coordinator PSI Montevarchi

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Catch Phrase For Party Invitationn

A ABOUT THE RATIONALIZATION OF MACHINE bureaucratic administration THE TOWN (See Del.Giunta 199, 23/9/10)

When Government, Regione Toscana , Province of Arezzo Valdarno and municipalities seeking to contain costs by reducing the number of public managers, the Mayor and the Board - voted against the Socialists - voted to confirm the forecast of six ... rigenti processed 4 by forward contract Contract time perpetuity. A unique choice, taken out of any idea of \u200b\u200borganization and reorganization of the municipal bureaucracy for decades and that will impinge on the speaker of the municipality. A choice that cuts the ability to use any savings (every manager costs tens of thousands of euro) reward for the work of employees or the resources to increase services to citizens or to generate investment for the city. For the most was a choice made without any debate in the council majority and politics, however, fairly regular thing in Montevarchi. We have expressed and we confirm our opposition but we'll be curious to know the opinion of the Federation of the Left and the Democratic Party. The same party that Region, Province and the surrounding towns has made the opposite choice. In truth we would like to know the opinion of the PD on other facts from assumptions that circulate on the combination of services and for which several areas of activity of the municipality will be coordinated by others. Areas where the leadership is confirmed. Or you have to think that these things are better discussed in the secret rooms?

Fabio Camiciottoli
Coordinator PSI Montevarchi

Silvano Fei
Parent Council Chamber Socialist Group

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Problems Avital Remote Engine Start

MEETING OPEN TO THE PARTY members and supporters, ELECTED TO THE LIST "democratic and social"

next Friday (October 8) at the premises of the Association of Vestri Montevarchi (Viale Diaz 88) at 21.15 Montevarchi members of PSI, the candidates on the list for Democrats and Socialists Montevarchi, supporters and voters are invited to the assembly of the national party.
The agenda for the analysis of the situation and local political and administrative determinations to be taken in the renewal of the government and citizens of the City Council, scheduled for spring 2011.
Given the importance of the topics considered, please intervene.