To continue talking dolls of this time I write some notes on a play certainly important to the Apart from the fact it's about a doll because it takes an image and a theme reported in other, more popular literary texts that speak of justice and love.
They are: George
From Alfonso Sastre and Bertolt Brecht
The story of the abandoned doll
And Archinto 2001
Streheler in the preface to this edition of expressing reasons for this dramatic text says he was driven by demand
"how to talk to children what is good and right? "
This text inspired me just that, a reflection on what is good and right, the difference is that I not only felt good for a child, but also for me as an adult.
In the play resumes the story of Brecht's "The Caucasian Chalk Circle" where Brecht in turn reflects a mythical tale, an archetypal image that represents the theme of parental love and justice.
The wise judge who is the best evidence to decide whom should be considered child the child torn between two mothers, one biological and adoptive who raised him and protected since it was abandoned.
What better proof of love real being ready to leave the child so as not to subject it to the violence of the contention that it would lead to having to break in two?
In the text of theater-game Streheler to have a doll that has abandoned the same mythical image of a crowd of kids talking about possession of envy of dedication and love of nursing.
It 's a beautiful passage, certainly for the parents, makes us think and act. Why not?
Helped by reflection, certain ends of daily painful family dynamics but old stale and violent could make re-processed.